Atlantic divide

Atlantic divide

«But Bush is no transient phenomenon; he is the expression of a new American religiosity. Romney’s speech and the rapid emergence of the anti-Darwin Baptist minister Mike Huckabee as a rival suggest how estranged the American zeitgeist is from the European.» (Roger Cohen, "Secular Europe's Merit", New York Times)

- Perdendo O Afeganistão E Não Só
"Losing Afghanistan", é o título de um editorial do The New York Times de ontem, que vale a pena ler. Sublinha um ponto que eu venho martelando desde 2003 : que ao desviar a acção para o Iraque, sem deixar que se apanhasse Bin Laden e se investisse...

- Gostaria De Ter Escrito Isto
«Israel is likely to kill enough Lebanese to outrage the world, increase anti-Israeli and anti-American attitudes, nurture a new generation of anti-Israeli guerrillas, and help hard-liners throughout the region and beyond. (Sudan?s cynical rulers, for...

- Soros Contra Bush (carta De Um Leitor)
"Com mais esta prova da apoio à política espansionista israelita, Bush pretende obviamente cativar o importante voto dos judeus norte-americanos nas eleições presidenciais de Novembro e Sharon procura tirar argumentos aos superfalcões israelitas"...

- “a Favor To Mr Bush”
«In some ways, the prime-minister-in-waiting of Spain, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, did Mr. Bush a favor when he said he would withdraw Spain's symbolic military force from Iraq if the United Nations' role did not significantly increase after...

- What Comes After 'europe'?
By BRET STEPHENS, WSJ The riots of Athens will become those of Milan, Madrid and Marseilles. Border checkpoints will return. Currencies will be resurrected, then devalued. When the history of the rise and fall of postwar Western Europe is someday written,...

