Diário de candidatura (18)

Diário de candidatura (18)

«The  [European] parliament’s clout is growing and will grow even more if the EU’s Lisbon treaty enters into effect as planned next year. Love it or loathe it, the parliament is increasingly the place to turn to understand what drives the EU.»
(Tony Barber, Financial Times).

- "respected"
"[The European Parliament's] international trade committee has gained in influence under the chairmanship since July 2009 of Vital Moreira, a respected centre-left Portuguese MEP". http://rpc.twingly.com/...

- Relatório Lamassoure - Imposto E Impostura
Acabo de ver na TV Paulo Rangel a agitar um papel para contestar Vital Moreira e negar que o Relatório Lamassoure aponte a possibilidade de se criar um "imposto europeu". Paulo Rangel persiste na argumentação impostora. Aqui fica o link para o texto...

- Para Os Que Acham Que O Capitalismo Fianceiro Se Regula A Si Mesmo
«This will come to be seen as the greatest regulatory failure in modern history. The degree of leverage that these institutions took on is indefensible. The average large securities firm was leveraged 27 to one in mid-2007. They were not regulated by...

- Etiópia - Outro Banho De Sangue
Este é o texto de uma carta que mandei esta manhã a todos os membros do PE e de que dei conhecimento ao governo português, com pedido de intervenção urgente: "Another bloodbath is taking place in Ethiopia. As I write to you, EU ambassadors are unable...

- Europe's Entitlement Reckoning
Editorial do WSJ From Greece to Italy to France, the welfare state is in crisis. In the European economic crisis, all roads lead through Rome. The markets have raised the price of financing Italy's mammoth debt to new highs, and on Tuesday Silvio...

