Etiópia e direitos humanos no Parlamento Europeu

Etiópia e direitos humanos no Parlamento Europeu

Já está na Aba da Causa a minha intervenção de hoje na plenária do Parlamento Europeu sobre direitos humanos na Etiópia. E sobre as responsabilidades da UE nesta matéria.

Aqui fica uma amostra:

"I was Head of the EUEOM [EU Election Observation Mission] in Ethiopia in 2005. Many opposition leaders told the EU then that the elections would be another scam by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to fool the international community and that they would all end up in jail or killed. We, the EU, persuaded them not to boycott the elections, promising to watch and ensure accountability.The Ethiopians believed us and voted massively and orderly on that 15 May. However, when people protested peacefully against electoral fraud, government forces resorted to brutal repression. In June and November hundreds were killed in massacres and thousands were wounded and imprisoned. Including the opposition leaders who had warned the EU.
The EU is the main aid donor in Ethiopia. I have seen it making the difference there. It can do it again. If the EU Commission, Council and Member States stop turning a blind eye."

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- European Socialists On Ethiopia
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- Message To My Ethiopian Friends
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- Presa Por Falar
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