Frases que eu gostava de ter escrito

Frases que eu gostava de ter escrito

«In the US, religion is at the heart of the so-called cultural wars, but in Europe, and for very good reason, there is still an embedded mistrust of overarching belief systems. That bitterly acquired wisdom should be the foundation stone for an inclusive brand of secularism. Such secularism should be a platform offering equal rights to those of all religions and those of none. With or without God, or even somewhere inside what Pascal called a "God-shaped void", the real meaning of secularism is tolerance.»

- As Armas Nucleares Da Nato
"...In other words, if a European vision for NATO's nuclear deterrent is lacking, it is very likely that the US' nuclear posture review will decide for everyone else: the reduction of US stockpiles, the reconfiguration of US delivery systems,...

- Buttiglione E Barroso
Como assinalei a seu tempo, o perigo de Buttiglione não são as suas ideias mas sim a tendência dos fundamentalistas religiosos como ele para imporem os seus valores a todos por via de lei, o que o torna impróprio para a pasta da justiça na Comissão...

- Lfb
It' good to have you back, at full speed. And please, there's no reason to feel embarrassed; just enjoy yourself!

- Democracy And The Euro
Editorial do WSJ One way to look at this week's events in Greece is as George Papandreou's revenge. As Prime Minister last November, he proposed that Greeks vote on whether they could live with the conditions the EU and IMF were imposing in return...

- The Tragic Greek Sideshow
Editorial do WSJ The good news about the latest Greek bailout is that it is much less consequential to Europe or the global economy than the first bailout two years ago. The tragedy is that the cost will be the crushing of the Greek economy and the diminishing...

