German Submarines

German Submarines

In the town where I was born
Ruled those set to steal the people
And they chose German suppliers
To get bribes for submarines

So we sailed on to the crisis
Till we sank in a sea of sleaze
And ruined the Union beneath Merkel
With our German submarines

We all bought a German submarine
Two German submarines or
Three German submarines.
We all sink in a German submarine
Sold by German Ferrostaal
Hiring banks and lawyers
To engineer bribes and fake offsets

And the rulers close their eyes
In Brussels, Lisbon, Athens or Berlin
And the gang continues to steal

We all bought a German submarine
While they stole taxpayers and
Even got bribes for it
We all sink in a German submarine
Sold by German Ferrostaal

{Full speed ahead Captain Barroso,full speed ahead
Full speed ahead it is, Master Merkel
Cut the corners, drop the sail,
Ignore courts, shut the media
Aye, aye, Mam, aye, aye
Captain, captain}

As people live a life of misery
Some have much more than they need
(In Merkel's recession the rich get richer and greedier)
Sky of Europe and sea of corruption
(Sky of Europe and sea of corruption)
In our German submarines
(In our German submarines.. aha)

We all sink in a German submarine
In Greece, Portugal, the Troika steers
In Berlin they close their eyes
Who cares who is to fault for
Excessive sovereign debt
Buying a German submarine
Two German submarines
Many German submarines...

In Greece people rebel - arrest the Minister who signed the contract!
In Portugal justice is too busy
To even hear the then Defense Minister
Now so busy
In Foreign Affairs business...

We are sailing Merkozy's stormy seas
Barroso swims trough darkest waters
Nobody cares at EU's helm
We are sailing
At German submarine speed
To crash at the bottom of the crisis.

We will all sink in German Europe.

original by Songwriters: Lennon, John; Mccartney, Paul; © SONY BEATLES LTD; SONY/ATV TUNES LLC;

These lyrics are freely adapted by Ana Gomes, MEP

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