O fim do euro

O fim do euro

Meu novo artigo para o OrdemLivre.org: “The european single currency is bound to fail, economically, politically, and indeed socially, though the timing, occasion, and full consequences are all necessarily still unclear.” (Margaret Thatcher)

- Democracy And The Euro
Editorial do WSJ One way to look at this week's events in Greece is as George Papandreou's revenge. As Prime Minister last November, he proposed that Greeks vote on whether they could live with the conditions the EU and IMF were imposing in return...

- An Exit Strategy From The Euro
By ROBERT BARRO, WSJ Until recently, the euro seemed destined to encompass all of Europe. No longer. None of the remaining outsider European countries seems likely to embrace the common currency. Seven Eastern European countries that recently joined...

- O Sábio Profeta
Q: Thank you very much. Before we sign off, could I just take the opportunity to ask you what you think the prospects are for the attempts in Europe to create a common currency area? Are you optimistic about their success? A: I think it's a big...

- When Greece Defaults
By HOLMAN W. JENKINS, JR., WSJ Greece says it's not leaving the euro, and everyone else says Greece must default on its euro debt. What does such a scenario portend? Athens, no longer able to borrow euros and hardly able to extract enough euros from...

- The Greek Example
Editorial do WSJ Seventeen-point-seven per cent. That was yesterday's yield on 10-year Greek bonds, up from 9.3% a year ago. Two-year bonds are closing in on the 30% mark, and the cost of insuring sovereign Greek debt stands at a stunning 18.2%. Prime...

