Portugal e o Zimbabwe

Portugal e o Zimbabwe

"Top story" ontem no "EUROPEAN VOICE" (jornal muito lido em Bruxelas, com excelentes fontes em todas as instituições europeias):

"EU backs African efforts to defuse Zimbabwe crisis
Facing threats that they will be expelled from Zimbabwe if they support opposition groups, diplomats from the EU member states have agreed to back African efforts to defuse the growing crisis in the country. Heads of EU member state missions in the Zimbabwean capital Harare met on Tuesday (20 March) and agreed to back efforts by the Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete to restart dialogue between the country's political parties. (...) EU diplomats are discussing plans to expand sanctions and tighten the rules on visa bans. A special meeting of Africa experts from member states' representations in Brussels is to take place in two weeks' time. (...)
Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said on Monday (19 March) that Zimbabwean leaders should still be invited to an EU-Africa summit to be held in the second half of this year during the Portuguese EU presidency. German centre-right MEP, Michael Gahler, described Amado's comments as unnecessary. "No matter how much the Portuguese want this summit to work they should not throw overboard basic principles" he said.

- Europe’s Rescue Plan
The Economist This week’s summit was supposed to put an end to the euro crisis. It hasn’t YOU can understand the self-congratulation. In the early hours of October 27th, after marathon talks, the leaders of the euro zone agreed on a “comprehensive...

- Europe Is Now Leveraging For A Catastrophe
By Wolfgang Münchau It is time to prepare for the unthinkable: there is now a significant probability the euro will not survive in its current form. This is not because I am predicting the failure by European leaders to agree a deal. In fact, I believe...

- 'we Are All Threatened By Contagion'
By Christian Reiermann, SPIEGEL Online In an interview with SPIEGEL, Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager calls on the German government to remain firm in its opposition to euro bonds. He also warns that even the fiscally solid nations of the euro...

- Ecb Risks Inflation And Loss Of Independence
An Analysis by Stefan Kaiser, Spiegel Online The next taboo has already been broken in Europe, with the European Central Bank now buying up Italian bonds. With its interventionist policies, the ECB is becoming increasingly similar to the US Federal Reserve....

- The Greek Example
Editorial do WSJ Seventeen-point-seven per cent. That was yesterday's yield on 10-year Greek bonds, up from 9.3% a year ago. Two-year bonds are closing in on the 30% mark, and the cost of insuring sovereign Greek debt stands at a stunning 18.2%. Prime...

