Regular a globalização

Regular a globalização

«We need more severe and efficient regulation, higher capital requirements to underpin financial trades, more transparency and a global institution to independently oversee the stability of the international financial system. I have already suggested that the IMF assume this role.». Palavras do Presidente da Alemanha, antigo presidente do FMI, à revista Stern, segundo o Financial Times.
Nada mais certeiro, por quem sabe do que fala.

- Elementar
«Fragmented financial regulation makes no sense in a monetary union and is potentially lethal.» Como aqui se argumentou diversas vezes...

- Regulação Financeira Internacional
Uma das medidas dignas de aplauso da cimeira do G20 em Londres foi o reforço da regulação financeira internacional, mediante a criação de uma nova instituição internacional -- o Financial Stability Board --, a partir do já existente Financial...

- Para Os Que Acham Que O Capitalismo Fianceiro Se Regula A Si Mesmo
«This will come to be seen as the greatest regulatory failure in modern history. The degree of leverage that these institutions took on is indefensible. The average large securities firm was leveraged 27 to one in mid-2007. They were not regulated by...

- O Fim Do Capitalismo Financeiro Desregulado?
«Remember Friday March 14 2008: it was the day the dream of global free-market capitalism died. For three decades we have moved towards market-driven financial systems. By its decision to rescue Bear Stearns, the Federal Reserve, the institution responsible...

- So Much For The Volcker Rule
Editorial do WSJ Even in 298 pages, regulators can't decide what to regulate If you tried to write a parody of the uncertainty and confusion triggered by federal rule-making, it would be hard to top the latest proposal from Washington's financial...

