Também estes!?

Também estes!?

«The shaming of America», ou The Economist convertida ao "anti-americanismo primário", é evidente!
«Since Hurricane Katrina, the world's view of America has changed. The disaster has exposed some shocking truths about the place: the bitterness of its sharp racial divide, the abandonment of the dispossessed, the weakness of critical infrastructure. But the most astonishing and most shaming revelation has been of its government's failure to bring succour to its people at their time of greatest need.»

- O Discurso De Obama - A Minha América
Acabei de o re-ouvir! É o discurso de que todos precisávamos. Aos serviçais que há uns anos me acusavam de anti-americanismo, direi "Esta é a minha América". Esta América merece liderar, pode liderar, vai liderar - já lidera. Aos que têm a responsabilidade...

- Barack, Presidente Eleito, Fala
...At this defining moment... a government for the people, by the people and for the people, has not perished... but America, I have never been more hopeful, that we will get there... the chance for us to make that change... a new dawn of American leadership...

- Us Elections: Enough Is Enough!
Obama, this is the moment to ask her to be your Vice-President! Don’t worry! She most likely will not accept. But the point will have been made with all Democrats: it is time for Hillary to go. It is time to stop tearing the party apart. It is time...

- E Os Muçulmanos Britânicos Criticam Blair...
Do Guardian, 12.8.96 "Muslim Leaders Say Foreign Policy Makes UK Target Leading UK Muslims have united to tell Tony Blair that his foreign policy in Iraq and on Israel offers "ammunition to extremists" and puts British lives "at increased risk". (...)"As...

- "o Furacão Da Pobreza"
Impressionantes os dados fornecidos, a propósito da tragédia de Nova Orleães, neste artigo de Nicholas D. Kristof no New York Times, sobre a pobreza e as carências sanitárias nos Estados Unidos. «Hurricane Katrina also underscores a much larger...

