USA 2008

USA 2008

Bases sociais dos dois contendores Democratas:
«But the big horse-race message out of Super Tuesday is that demography is destiny. In state after state, Clinton carried the groups she usually carries — white women, people with high school degrees, people earning less than $50,000, Latinos. In state after state, Obama carried the groups he usually carries: the affluent, white men, people with college degrees, African-Americans.»

- Barack, Presidente Eleito, Fala
...At this defining moment... a government for the people, by the people and for the people, has not perished... but America, I have never been more hopeful, that we will get there... the chance for us to make that change... a new dawn of American leadership...

- Apelo à Liberdade De Blogar! Juntem-se!
Dear Friend, 10th October, 2008 At this moment, at least 80 people around the world, many of them bloggers, are behind bars because they dared to express their political opinions online. We are hoping...

- A Path To Victory In The Drug War
By MARY ANASTASIA O'GRADY, WSJ Brazil's Fernando Henrique Cardoso on why legalization of marijuana will reduce the cartels' threat to Latin democracies The classical argument in favor of marijuana legalization rests on personal liberty. Why,...

- The 2013 Tax Cliff
Editorial do WSJ President Obama unveiled part two of his American Jobs Act on Monday, and it turns out to be another permanent increase in taxes to pay for more spending and another temporary tax cut. No surprise there. What might surprise Americans,...

- My Response To Buffett And Obama
By HARVEY GOLUB, WSJ Over the years, I have paid a significant portion of my income to the various federal, state and local jurisdictions in which I have lived, and I deeply resent that President Obama has decided that I don't need all the money...

