Mugabe já roubou o "show", mesmo se não vier

Mugabe já roubou o "show", mesmo se não vier

"Preparations for the EU Africa Summit were overshadowed by lots of ink spilled on the attendance of Robert Mugabe and the British «ultimatum». Despite the fact that Mugabe will not be the only oppressive and corrupt ruler at the table, his distinction from other human rights violators - such as the leaders of Sudan, Eritrea, Libya and Ethiopia, just to name a few - stems from a Common Position adopted by all EU governments in 2002, imposing travel restrictions.
Sanctions are meant to cast opprobrium on their targets. But that has been undermined, since Mugabe was, after all, invited by Portugal to attend the Summit. The Portuguese Foreign Minister admitted he would rather not receive Mugabe in Lisbon, reasoning that he would steal the show. Mugabe knows that EU leaders have no escape: they are politically and legally bound to confront him with his responsibilities in impoverishing and oppressing the Zimbabwean people. Mugabe may even outsmart them all, choosing not to come in the end: he will have, in any case, stolen the show".

Extracto de um artigo que escrevi esta semana para a próxima edição do jornal "European Voice".

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