USA 2008 - O problema dos Democratas

USA 2008 - O problema dos Democratas

«The big question for Democrats is whether Senators Clinton and Obama, whose camps don’t like each other, can conduct themselves in the long slog ahead in a way that does not undermine the party’s ability to win in November.
It’s not yet clear that they can.»
(Bob Herbert, New York Times).

- "obama For President"
«This country needs sensible leadership, compassionate leadership, honest leadership and strong leadership. Barack Obama has shown that he has all of those qualities.» O apoio do New York Times a Obama não surpreende, dada a orientação liberal-progressista...

- Obama's Real Spending Record
By ARTHUR B. LAFFER AND STEPHEN MOORE, WSJ President Obama shocked us the other day when he said, "Since I've been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years." Having heard him champion the "multiplier effects" of...

- Why Austerity Is Only Cure For The Eurozone
By Wolfgang Schäuble, Financial Times In recent weeks, debt markets have undergone wild gyrations, leading some analysts and commentators to question the progress achieved in taming the sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone. More recently, economic data...

- What Happened To Obama? Absolutely Nothing
By NORMAN PODHORETZ It's open season on President Obama. Which is to say that the usual suspects on the right (among whom I include myself) are increasingly being joined in attacking him by erstwhile worshipers on the left. Even before the S&P downgrade,...

- The Debt Battle Is Good For The Gop
By CLARK S. JUDGE, WSJ Watching the debt-ceiling battle on Capitol Hill—and even more the battle between the tea party young guns and older House Republicans—feels like déjà vu, or, rather, 1995, all over again. Sixteen years ago, in the middle...

