Obama's Real Spending Record

Obama's Real Spending Record

- The State Of His Policies
Editorial do WSJ Obama has done nearly everything he wanted. That's the problem President Obama delivered a State of the Union address Tuesday night that by the account of his own advisers is more campaign document than a plan for governing. He's...

- The Latest Jobs Plan
Editorial do WSJ If President Obama's economic policies have had a signature flaw, it is the conceit that by pulling this or that policy lever, by spending more on this program or cutting that tax for a year, Washington can manipulate the $15 trillion...

- What Austerity?
Editorial do WSJ Federal spending will hit a new record this year With the recovery sputtering, the White House and its allies have been blaming government spending cuts, or what the neo-Keynesians call "fiscal contraction." This is a dubious economic...

- Open Letter To President Obama On The Debt Ceiling Debate
Dear President Obama, As you are likely well aware, you and I have many fundamental philosophical differences. I have long believed in personal liberty and economic freedom. Despite the rhetoric that you may espouse, your actions imply that you believe...

- The Obama Downgrade
Editorial do WSJ So the credit-rating agencies that helped to create the financial crisis that led to a deep recession are now warning that the U.S. could lose the AAA rating it has had since 1917. As painfully ironic as this is, there's no benefit...

